Aufruf zur solidarischen Prozessbegleitung für den 27.01

Veröffentlich am 25.01.2025

Wir veröffentlichen hier einen weiteren Aufruf (en/ar/de) zu einer solidarischen Prozessbeobachtung für den 27.01. Kommt zahlreich und unterstützt die Genossin, es kann nie zuviel Solidarität geben.

At the previous hearing on 17.01.25 the state put the comrade in a wooden cage while more police officers gave testimonies regarding the “attacking police” charge. Their testimonies highlighted among other things their arbitrary use (or non-use) of bodycams and their feeling of being somehow above the law.

The dear comrade has been held since October 2024 in prison (Untersuchungshaft) for allegedly: Attempted damage to property, attempted arson, use of signs of unconstitutional or terrorist organizations, resistance to law enforcement officers, and assault on law enforcement officers.

In the next hearing, the judge will continue addressing the charges of “resisting arrest” and “assaulting the police,” with more police testimonies. Let us all join in solidarity with this brave woman who defends her principles and Palestine even from behind bars!

09:30 | Amtsgericht Tiergarten, Turmstraße 91
3rd trial + rally
09:30 Hearing
11:30 Rally


English page 1
Arabic page 2
Deutsch Seite 3

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